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Things we shall need:
1. Facebook page hacking exploit.
2. A free hosting.
3. A key or script to run that"Facebook page
hacking exploit.".4. Your facebook email id.
5. Brain ( A bit ;) )
I will try to be simple, but if you don't get anything then kindly ask at comment below.
1. Facebook page hacking exploit:
Download this exploit from the link below, Complete the survey and you will get this exploit for free.
Download Exploit (Skip add afterclicking the link from uppper right corner)
Alternate Download (Hosted at forfacebook page hacking tricks?
Now, After downloading it you will get key inside it also, and also the exploit, First we have to edit it,
a) Editing the exploit:
First of all see you facebook email id which you used to signup at facebook, see pic below thats the pic of exploit:
Now change the highlighted id to your's facebook id, Above its,
b) Credits:
When script is executed, three or four friends of the victim will get this post, Well thats our credit don't remove it. See pic below of exploit:
2. Get free hosting: Well t35 and 110mb won't help you in this hack :P better go to 000webhost.comand If you don't know how to upload things to your hosting read this:
Upload the exploit and i recommend change its name from pagehack.js to fanbooster.js or something more attracting.
3. Using the exploit by Key or script:
There will be a text file in the downloaded package from sharecash, named as Key for pagehack.txt open it, You will geta script in it, Now the main thing is social engineering, Read my article at hackersthirst, about social engineering, Now its up to you that how you give him key, Well Change the following part in the key to your own script path:
Change this to your hosting , and also change the exploite name in this key if you have changed it while uploading as suggesting.
Tip: Tell him that it will make your page safe, or something else like attracting